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You can now easily make online booking requests for your whole team


We will send you mail alerts as we proccess and confirm your booking


This is a guide will take you through the process of using excel to update the guests list

  1. Here you can download the template excel file to use.
  2. In the spreadsheet you can create the list of all the guest for this guest list.
  3. Insert the correct information about the guest according to the column headers.
  4. Save and close the file.
  5. Press Upload and select the excel file.
Priority Guest First Name Guest Last Name From - To Email Nationality Country Code Phone Number Comment Shift Employee Number
Booking contains no guests.
General Info

Contact Person


Priority Guest Name Check-In Date Check-Out Date Email Nationality Country Code Phone Number Comment Shift Employee Number
Booking contains no guests.
{{guest.Priority}} {{guest.GuestEmail || " - "}} {{(NationalityDict[guest.GuestNationalityId] || {}).Name || " - "}} {{guest.Comment || " - "}} {{lookup.ShiftType?.find(x => x.Id == guest.ShiftType)?.Name || " - "}} {{guest.EmployeeNumber || " - "}}

Your Booking is Submitted

Thank you for your request.

You will recieve a confirmation email and our dedicated team will get back to you in short time.
  • General Info
  • Contact Person
  • Guests
  • Summary